Whether you”re fresh out of college or a baby boomer, familiarize yourself with the Internet so that you can at least send your resume and other documents via e-mail. Admitting that you”re not cyber — savvy risks taking you out of the running in today’s electronic world. The Internet’s larger value is as a research tool — especially when you”re doing your homework on specific companies, industries, or trends. (Most large companies have Web sites, which usually can be found with little more than a name search.) You can also search the Net for job postings; find guides to writing resumes and cover letters; and, in char rooms, meet new people who could become part of your network. You could even provide information about yourself by setting up a personnel Web site.
Before venturing into cyberspace, note the following:
– If you”re already employed, remember that if you post your resume on the Internet, anyone, your boss included, can access it.
– Don’t give out your at — work e-mail address for job search communications. E-mail isn’t private, and your company could find out you”re looking. Besides, your company is footing the bill for e-mail.
– The use of e-mail and the Internet has its own etiquette, with which you should become familiar. (See Communicating Electronically
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