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Posting of copied items in blogs

Dear Eblogs team & All Users

Many users are posting genuine blog, but some users are posting copied items from another sites. I am agree with eblogs team members that they are deleting the copied blogs of that member, but by this we can’t say who is the original writer of that blog, and we and all blogs website teams should appreciate to genuine blogers.

All we know that this activity is totally unfair, and still a few users from us are using this habit. Numbers of blog post sites are available in the country as well as world wide, but why they are not taking any legal action against them.

As observed any body can join blog post site without any statuary bindings.

Eblogs site has recently mailed a newsletter, where they have shown how many candidates have posted copied items in their blogs.

What the action taken by eblogs team, only deleted copied post, why…? Eblogs team cannot take any authorized actions.

If really these posts are copied from other sites or not genuine, then only deletion is not fair from eblogs.

If really such type of website wants to appreciate genuine blogers, then there should be strict action against cheater blogers.

This contents in my personal view and to appreciate genuine blogers. It is my also request to everyone please give your suggestion in this view to avoid such kind of happenings.


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8 Responses

  1. veerugcet says:

    Thanks for your appreciation

  2. Service_to_all says:

    I have posted several topic in the support, Bugs, Suggestions & Feedback, Chit Chat forums. I have also sent a list of copied blogs with url references of the source from where blogs have been copied and also sent private messages to admin highlighting the blogs and members who are doing this. Some action definitely is being taken.

    I had even suggested that members who identify, copied blogs could be given some point may be .1 points on a first come first serve basis.

    There are also many who deliberately split a single post into multiple parts with a single objective of gaining points, which also I have highlighted to the admin.

    Let us all hope that people act according to their conscience.


  3. nishunishaa says:

    well…i am reading a book..and therefore sharing some topics…

  4. veerugcet says:


    Thanks for your appreciation and to inform admin for such kind of activity.


  5. veerugcet says:

    Dear Nisha

    Thanks for reply with …..? please give your suggestion to the same, whenever you will free and have to finished that book.


  6. betterlife says:

    Copying from other sites or from other text sources is a routine is a routine problem. I have seen it happening on many blog sites. eblogs are giving a chance to the bloggers, posting copied material, by deleting their posts. Next time they should cancel the membership of the blogger. Many sites are doing it.

    “प्रेम करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
    “Love all, Hate none”

  7. veerugcet says:


    Thanks for your nice opinion and specially I much like your slogan line

  8. nolimits says:

    ya i agree n appereciate the step

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