Martyrs” Day
Maytars” Day
Last Sunday, the nation remembers their three great freedom fighters, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev, on occasion of 77th death anniversary. Three young leaders of freedom movement were hanged on 23 March1931 by British government. They had accused to killing a police officer and threw a harmless bomb in Central Assembly.
A marytars” day is celebrated by youth organizations relating to Congress and Communist Parties since long.
I have sometimes participated in these meetings and note two points:
One, the leaders of senior generation have oftenly complained to present youth that they are forgetting history, particularly, those who participate in freedom movement and are still living.
Second, The youth leaders of these organizations also normally speaks as a follower and provoke gathering people to blindly following the past’s heros.
I am not against to tributes to forefathers, however, I don’t believe in imitation, My opinion is
the best way to remember forefathers, with assessments of their contribution, we should focus on present day problems and provoke to people for thinking and working togetherly for better state and society.
I am not bothered about what older and younger generations say about each other. I, as an Indian, feel grateful to these Martyrs who made the ultimate sacrifice for our Motherland at such an young age.
शहीदों की चिताओं पर लगेंगे हर बरस मेले,
वतन पर मरने वालों का यही बाकी निशान होगा.
“पà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤® करो सबसे, नफरत न करो किसी से”
“Love all, Hate none”
Our Indian Politician n Government is soo foolish that they did not even do anything on their death anniversary.These Freedom Fighters have fought bravery for ur freedom.Or if some Politician like Nehru death anniversary or birthday will be there,these politician will surely celebrate.
Yes one should not imitate others. I am fan of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev but I don’t blindly listen to what today’s leaders say. I take my own ideas and follow them…
With love Madhu….