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Around the time “Kaun Banega Karodpati” hit the airspace, I had a nagging premonition that I was on the threshhold of a windfall. At that time a special scheme called Britannia-KBC offer invited the viewers to buy the pack of biscuits and use the code inside the wrapper to enter the contest. Once you register, you would get an opportunity to enter the fray oa preferential basis.
People made bee-line to buy the biscuits in truck-loads. And with a forecast of an imminent windfall I too jumped on to the “biscuit bandwagon”. I made multiple telephonic registrations for KBC contest. The corollary of this frenzy was that my larder was bursting at the seams with its inventory of biscuits. And for want of better things to do I gorged on the biscuits while I waited for the call from KBC folks.
And finally the cal;l came. Not from KBC but from the Nature. Even as I stuffed myself silly with biscuits, my digestive system, unable handle the increasd traffic, struck work. My over-indulgence in Britannia had caused diarrhoes!
Indeed, I got my windfall, albiet, in two instalements. First the wind…..and then the fall!

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