End of Terror Part 1

I am planning to make a movie
(End of terror). I am making this movie with my friends. So therefore I thought
of sharing the script with you all and then make the actual move. My friends are
happy. The reason is by doing this we might get the star cast online itself.


The movie is like a miracle,
where these five friends together finish the word terror from this world and
make this world the best place. Everytime whenever the terror strikes, these
five friends are always safe. They are today’s Pandavas. The school kids are
kidnapped. It’s the same school, where Nisha used to teach. Nisha wants to get
into the mission of saving her kids.

 Scene 1

Group of friends which include
four boys and one girl.


All five are best of friends. As
I have described earlier, today’s Pandavas.


The girl is strong. She is
sitting quietly on a table listening to her friends. They are shouting at her.


Aditya:- How could you do
it Nisha?


Nisha:- Just the same as
you guys did during your Kargil war against Pakistan?


Aditya:- My field is that
of army, Mishal is an airforce officer, Rahul and Abhimanyu are again in army
and you are a Professor. Please understand Nisha, just stop thinking of saving
the kids. We are there to save them.


Nisha:- Do not forget
that I was their teacher? I know them well. I want to be a part of this mission.


Abhimanyu:- You have
known those kids, its good but…


Nisha:- What do you mean
by saying that? Forget them. I have spent five years with them. Army people like
you guys are just thinking but cannot do anything. But I want immediate actions.
You all will take actions when those terrorists will kill those kids, who are
innocent. I have seen them closer. I have seen them crying, I have seen them
when they were happy. I can do anything. I can die for them.


Mishal:- Well, we can
understand your feelings for them Nisha, but this does not mean that you….(Nisha
stops Mishal).


Nisha:- I am ready to die
for them under any cost and condition, but I will save their lives and save them
from terrorist attack.


Rahul:- I think Nisha is
right. Those kids are more precious. They were going for a picnic and on the way
those terrorists have kidnapped them. We must take Nisha also in this mission.

(Nisha looks towards Rahul).


Aditya:- Rahul, yeah
somewhat you are right. But Nisha, how you save those children?


Nisha:- Leave that to me.
I want to prove it, that I am something on this earth.

 They all start preparing for the plan of saving the kids.
(Next will be Scene 2)

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12 Responses

  1. pulak_2442 says:

    Aap ki film mai mujhe hero ko role milaga kaya?
    but ur artical is so nice

  2. kiranshubha says:

    There are many movies & stories already made in past on the theme you have thought about. I strongly feel the readers will not find it so interesting. You need to think about writing something new & unique which has not been written or told before.

  3. nishunishaa says:

    they will find it interesting…

  4. nishunishaa says:

    aapka photo mail karo yaan upload karo blog par

  5. jmalhotra says:


    may be interesting for some and may not be for some..continue with your series…u will definately get ardent readers too…all the best and hope to see the next episode soon…

  6. nishunishaa says:

    yes jyo i will continue

  7. UWON says:

    Hey Nisha i think u have not seen my Post here few days ago of “UWON wants to make a movie”?
    Same think i m thinking to make a movie.If u r serious i can help u out in new stories also and in present stories also.Reply me by PM if possible.


  8. Service_to_all says:


    If you are really serious about making a movie, you should keep your story confidential, or alternatively you must copyright your story. Otherwise there will be someone else who will claim rights over it and you will loose all rights over it.

    Be careful.


  9. nishunishaa says:

    actually i m planning to write a story, not the movie….i must make some change

  10. nishunishaa says:

    uwon eblogs is a making magazine, and i thought of writing down story….

  11. madhu_vamsi says:

    Uwon is also interested in movie direction. Please guide him also. THe script is cool but u r story will be already be copied by the directors of Bollywood. SO be careful

    Madhu Vamsi….

  12. nishunishaa says:

    ok lets make a movie

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