My wieght reduction program is working
I had put on more weight ever since my marriage 2 years back. And this new year resolution of mine was to reduce weight by 15 kgs & come down to 75 kgs, yes I am 90 right now. The program which I developed by my own was to make my body sweta as much as I can & to avoid all junks foods. I started avoiding stuffs like; cheese, butter, ghee, oil etc in my food. Since ghee & oil is good for health if you have limited, I have it in less amount with food. But I avoided having rice & had only a small cup of rice with ever meal since 1st Jan 2008. I started relying more on fruits & raw vegetables like carrot, radish, cucumber, tomatoes etc.
My office is located in 2nd floor & cafeteria on 9th floor but I have stopped using escvalators to climb even 9th floor. I’m doing this since January & as on today I have reduced 5 kgs weight which is very good in doctor’s opinion & in next 3 to 4 months I will be in my normal weight of 75 kgs which was adviced to my height of 5.11 ft.
I hope most of you will find my weight reduction program useful & effective too if you apply it.
Any body has plans for increasing the weight , my weight is constant for years and years around 55-60. I eat lot of cheese , butter and foods having lot of fats but nothing results good for my health.
The virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize.
Hi Kiransubha, I too need to reduce my weight atleast 20 kgs max. Your personal experience is very good way to reduce weight and I need to reduce my rice intake. I am doing some excercise instead of walking. I hope will also reach my target very soon..
With love Madhu…. 🙂