Extreme Road to Freedom

They were four sisters . All of them were educated , beautiful and hailed from a respectable family of a small town . The town is situated at a hilly area and there were lots of natural beauty that added grace to the town .

The sisters were not happy . All of them shared a common dream , to live a happy and open life and to pursue their individual dreams . Which was nothing unusual for some girls in the their twenties . But this common dream seemed to be very unusual for them . It is because of their father . Who was a senior engineer in a govt department . The father never allowed them any social mix-up with friends and relatives . They had to attend college and come back home sharp on time . They had a brother who helped them to some extent , like buying and getting things for them from the market or like that .

But they were fed up with this life . They didnot have any friends , forget about having any relationship with other same age people and having fun . Their father was paranoid enough not to let them enjoy any thing which is common to their age .He in a sense wanted them to live a puritan life sans any enjoyment .

So one fine day they decided to have some fun . They hired a film with the help of their brother , wacthed the film several times in a closed room . And the next morning all of them were found dead in their room . All of them committed suicide and left a note that they wanted freedom from this life .

Yesterdays news of three sisters found confined in their house ,( one in bathroom ) out of some phoebias reminded me of this incident . These girls have never went out of their house out of some imaginary phoebias . But those girls I have mentioned in the beginning were not self restricting . Their lives were made hell by their paranoic father for which they have chosen the extreme path to get freedom .

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2 Responses

  1. jmalhotra says:


    as this type of behaviour takes away the real flavour of life from the children and they are not able to enjoy their life fully…

  2. madhu_vamsi says:

    Hi sulochana,

    Commiting sucide is not write solution and they should have atleast tried to fight for rights. But it is sad that still such kind od fathers are still exist in this society. What he wanted to prove, I did not understand. My new post is waiting for u r comments dear…. 🙂

    Madhu Vamsi….

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